Breeding Program

How Babies are made

2023 Season

This year at Fifty Horse Ranch, we launch the Embryo Transplant Program.  By 2024 we will be offering recipient mares,  stalls with timed lighting to promote synchronization, with onsite facilities for checking and caring for mares until the flush and transplant is ready.

*replace me with a better photo!

Embryo Transplant

In preparation for the official launch of the Fifty Horse Ranch Embryo Transplant Program Fifty Horse Ranch is hosting four recipient mares. 

2024 season we will be offering eight mares as recipient candidates.

  • Purchase an already implanted embryo
  • Wimpys Sassy Shiner Ovum x Desired Stallion for embryo transplant
  • Mare of Choosing x Desired Stallion (requires rental of stall for mare, recip mare stalls and recip mares for syncing process)
  • Recip Mare is loaned to embryo purchaser for the duration of gestation and until foal is weaned.
Syncing Mares

Beginning November Mares are moved into the syncing barn. During the day they can roam their turnouts, however they are returned to the stalls every night.

To simulate the lengthening spring days when cycling would normally begin, the barn lights are all set on timers.

Early February mares undergo an onsite ultrasound to determine where they are in their cycles. Mares may require Lutalyse at this time to aid in syncing of cycles.


aspiration and transfer will be performed at Lahontan Valley Veterinary clinic